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GRAM Traffic Services

Traffic Pattern Studies

Delay Studies
GPS Travel Runs
Radar Studies
Gap Studies
Parking Lot Studies
Intersection Diagrams
Ball Bank Studies

Delay Studies

Delay Studies assess stopped-time delay conditions of traffic entering and passing through an intersection or turning onto another route. These studies should be performed during periods of congestion at intersections or major driveways being evaluated for signalization.

GPS Travel Runs

A GPS equipped test vehicle, moving with the flow of traffic, travels from Point A to Point B and then Point B to Point A, as many times as the flow of traffic allows over a set period of time. Typically, these are done during peak hours but can be done for any time period per client request. GPS travel runs are performed to determine the locations, types and extent of traffic delays. This provides engineers with quantitative data to make recommendations such as safety improvements, turn lane additions and traffic signal re-timing.

Radar Studies

Radar guns are used at one or more sites to collect vehicle data of volume, speed or class. Typically this information is collected at a site for a given time period, or until a threshold number of cars is collected. Data can be collected over multiple sites on a given roadway simultaneously or single locations collected multiple times.

Gap Studies

Gap Studies analyze the size and number of gaps in seconds that exist between vehicles in the major traffic stream at a specific location. This study is used to determine the best location for pedestrian and school crossings. It can also be used as a cost effective add-on to an unsignalized turning movement count study.

Parking Studies

Parking Studies involve counting and observing parking spaces to determine how many spaces are occupied at any given time in locations such as parking lots, parking garages and curb side parking.

Counts are typically performed on an hourly basis (or specified time increments per client request) and categorized into regular, handicapped, reserved and visitor parking spaces.

In addition, illegal parking such as double parking and non-handicapped vehicles parked in handicapped spaces may be monitored along with counting the number of occupants in the vehicles.

Intersection Diagrams

Intersection diagrams are helpful when highly detailed information about an intersection or other location is necessary. Utilizing pictures, drawings, distance measuring, and other data, detailed intersection diagrams can be constructed.

Ball Bank Studies

A two-person crew is sent out to a location (such as a banked turn/overpass) and travel runs are made at various speeds. A ball bank indicator is used to gather data such as maximum safe speeds for locations.

Contact Us

3751 FM 1105, Building A Georgetown, TX 78626

(512)832-8650 (888)315-6141